This book was written in response to the need of the mushroom industry to have a simple, comprehensive and practical guide on spawn and mushroom production. It consists of the basic and applied aspects of mushroom science and technology. In the first part of the book, the readers are introduce to the world of mushrooms particularly their structure, reproductive biology, biological classificatio…
Dalam era globalisasi industri peternakan yang sedang berkembang saat ini, telah diterapkan berbagai metode peningkatan potensi ternak sapi melalui perbaikan mutu dan kapasitas genetiknya. Salah satu metode bioteknologi reproduksi tingkat sel yang sudah terbukti dapat dipakai untuk mempersingkat waktu pencapaian perbaikan tingkat mutu genetik diharapkan adalah transfer embrio (TE). Keuntungan p…
SEAMEO BIOTROP, as a regional centre for tropical biology, has mandate to conduct the educational development and regional collaboration to support the program from General Directorate of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, Republic of Indonesia. As a regional centre, SEAMEO BIOTROP is expected to take an important role in promoting the real value of trop…
The past five years of implementing our Centre's 9th Five-Year Development Plan (FYDP 2012-2017), including the fiscal year reviewed in this annual report, have been a challenging but rewarding experience to us. With commitment and diligence, we are proud to have carried out all the activities we have planned out each year. I am pleased to present our Centre's accomplishments for Fiscal Year…
Over the past five decades, SEAMEO BIOTROP continues its commitment to provide scientific knowledge on tropical biology to address critical tropical biology problems in Southeast Asia. Through research, training and other learning activities, as well as information dissemination, the Centre forged ahead in achieving its vision to become “A Leading Centre in Promoting and Enriching Real Values…
For the last 52 years, SEAMEO BIOTROP has implemented its programs and activities to contribute significantly in addressing tropical biology issues, particularly in the Southeast Asian region. Every fiscal year, those programs and activities were developed and modified to adapt the recent internal and external issues. Through the three main mandates namely: Research, Training and Other Learn…
SEAMEO BIOTROP continuously improves from year to year to deliver excellent services in implementing the Centre’s main mandates, namely: Research, Training and Other Learning Activities, and Information Dissemination according to the FYDP 10th. The Centre stipulated the mandates into programs and activities to serve the targeted beneficiaries across the Southeast Asia region with refer to the…
Being established in 1968, SEAMEO BIOTROP that is located in Bogor, Indonesia, is among the oldest SEAMEO Centers in Southeast Asian region. With tropical biology as its main focus, SEAMEO BIOTROP has three mandates: research, capacity building, and knowledge and information dissemination in conserving and managing tropical biology sustainably for the well-being of communities and the environme…
Alhamdulillah, pelaksanaan Seminar Nasional Silvikultur VI dan Kongres Masyarakat Silvikultur V dengan tema “Penerapan Silvikultur untuk Pengelolaan Hutan dan Pengentasan Kemiskinan” pada tanggal 8-9 Agustus 2018 di Zahra Hotel Syariah Kendari, Sulawesi Tenggara lancar dan sukses. Panitia telah bekerja keras untuk menghimpun seluruh hasil-hasil seminar untuk dihimpun atau diwujudkan dalam s…
The National Seminar on "Land Restoration for Sustainable Land Productivity" was held on 26-27 September 2016 in Bogor, West Java Province, indonesia. This seminar was aimed to provide a venue for the participants from universities, research institutions and government institutions to communicate recent issues, research gaps and possible solutions to land degradation. The seminar was organiz…