Buku Buletin Informasi Iklim dan Lingkungan bulan Januari - Maret 2024 merupakan buletin triwulan yang memuat informasi hasil analisis Tingkat Ketersediaan Air Bagı Tanaman (ATi) bulan Desember 2023-Februari 2024, Analisis Surplus dan Defisit bulan Desember 2023- Februari 2024, serta Prakiraan Tingkat ketersediaan Air Bagi Tanaman bulan April - Juni 2024, berdasarkan prakiraan curah hujan bula…
Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika (BMKG) rutin menerbitkan buku prediksi musim untuk memberikan panduan mengenal kondisi musim yang akan datang Buku "Prediksi Musim Hujan 2024/2025" hadir sebagai informasi komprehensif, menyajikan prediksi musim hujan 2024/2025 serta wawasan tentang pola hujan di Indonesia
Species do not suddenly go extinct. Behind every extinction is a long history. Until a century ago, human actions were only a part of that history. Now, preventing extinctions depends entirely on human interventions. The days of small groups of dedicated people taking actions to try to prevent extinctions ended in the 1960s. The management unit that addresses endangered wildlife now is the nati…
Indonesians recognize that the maritime area is just as important as the islands and thus ister to their country as Tanah Av Kits (Our Land and Water) This diverse landscape offers Indonesiane mary possibilities whether it be bustling port cities, elegant royal capitals and densely packed agranian landscapes with fabled rice terraces, or isolated villages perched on high mountainsades of in the…
One of the world’s most important cultivated plants, the grapevine was domesti- cated from the wild vine over 11,000 years ago. The fungi associated with it are likely as old as the plant itself. Despite their co-evolution with the vine over the centuries, it was only with the invention of the microscope in the seventeenth cen- tury that precise descriptions of fungi began to become avail…