APA Style
material, I, P, O, V, P. (maintenance of genet).
Protocols for Micropropagtion of Woody Trees and Fruits;Text;;978-4020-6351-0;Springer;2007;;;635.054 JAN p;;;;Micropropagation has become a reliable and routine approach for large-scale rapid plant multiplication (tissue and organ culture on well defined tissue cu).
cost effectiveness.
MLA Style
material, In, Production, Of, Virus-free, Planting.
"Protocols for Micropropagtion of Woody Trees and Fruits;Text;;978-4020-6351-0;Springer;2007;;;635.054 JAN p;;;;Micropropagation has become a reliable and routine approach for large-scale rapid plant multiplication".
tissue and organ culture on well defined tissue cu
cost effectiveness,
maintenance of genet.
which is based on plant cell.